Education is a process of transferring knowledge, culture and tradition of one generation to the next generation. The teacher is the main agent who performs his part in the process of education. The purpose of this study was to draw a comparison between male and female teachers working at elementary level in government boys schools in the province of Punjab. In this study, pre-test posttest were used. Sixty-eight (68) students of grade IV and 8 teachers from two (2) schools were the sample of study. From each school thirty four (34) students and 4 teachers were selected as sample of study. Each group comprised of seventeen (17) students. The data collected through pre-test and post-test were analyzed by applying t-test. Performance of male teachers were found better than female teacher in the subject of Maths while female teachers performed better that male teachers in the subject of Science at elementary level in the urban areas as well as rural areas. It was recommended to appoint male teachers for teaching Maths and female teachers for science.

Safdar Hussain, R. A. Farooq, Ziarab Mahmood, Rabia Tabassam. (2017) Comparison of Male and Female Teachers’ Performance Working at Elementary Level in Punjab, Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-27, Issue-2.
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