This research aims to address the question, ‘how the perceptions of teachers about Integrated Assessment Approaches contribute towards learners’ holistic development’. The participants of this quali ... Read More

This study was aimed at finding out the availability and quality of physical facilities in public and private Elementary schools in Punjab. The sample of the study was drawn from 04 Districts of Pun ... Read More

Montessori school system has its preference in the market of pre-schooling in Pakistan. The study was designed to highlight the perceptions of parents and teachers about learning experiences, intern ... Read More

Science inquiry method with six major instructional tools/principles is an emerging strategy for diverse learners. This strategy was applied through two separate studies to teach Chemistry and Gener ... Read More

Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) is crucial competence of a teacher to teach students in classroom. The present study aimed to observe the Elementary School Teachers’ (ESTs) Subject Matter Knowledge ( ... Read More

Early Childhood Education and Development has attracted third world countries due to its key contribution in success of future life of an individual. Among others ECED system, Montessori system got ... Read More

Textbooks are considered as an important part of any course so the selection of the most appropriate book for a particular context requires careful investigation. The content in the textbook should ... Read More

Every country has its own culture, that shapes its people as a nation. Pakistanis are a bunch of diverse lingual, geographical and tribal cultures. It seems very sacred for the people to not only pr ... Read More

In the context of declining enrollments at Government Elementary Schools in Punjab, this study was conducted to identify the determinants of school selection preferred by the parents at the time of ... Read More

The present study investigates the effect of an interactive primary prevention intervention on elementary school students’ resiliency behaviors. A total of 106 rural Missouri, USA students in an aft ... Read More