The task of developing pupils in their early stages of schooling with good writing skills in early years tends to be accorded low priority by educators and researchers despite the fact writing is an essential skill useful both in school and in future socio-economic activities. Therefore this study is important to be undertaken to reveal specific strategies employed and challenges faced by teachers in developing pupils in standard One and Two with writing competency in public schools in the sampled areas. The data were collected from classroom teachers through semi-structured interviews and open-ended questionnaires. The data analysis was done through grounded content analysis involving coding to establish outspoken issues of the study and it was revealed that pupils’ acquisition of writing competency was highly dependent on the teacher’s commitment and readiness. The study further revealed that the pupil’s commitments to practicing writing, ability to handle and use pen/pencil, and proper holding of the writing materials were also essential in developing into good writers. Though handwriting skills were found by teachers in Meatu and Itilima Districts to be essential in everyday activities, the development of these skills were impaired by overcrowded classrooms, a lack of sufficient and developmentally appropriate chairs and desks, the inability of parents or caregivers to provide pupils with essential writing materials, and the teachers’ low motivation to improvise ICT equipment. The study therefore concludes that the promotion of appropriate and supportive learning environments, overall teacher competency, and parental readiness to encourage pupils to attend schools will all be crucial in order to develop good writers.

Pambas Tandika. (2017) Primary School Teachers’ Practices in Developing Pupils with Writing Competency , Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-27, Issue-1.
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