Present study examined the differential effects of metacognitive instruction, called SAVE the TIME, on Students of elementary level in solving mathematical word problems. In particular, the study focused on the higher and lower achievers of sixth grade. Participants were 160 students of sixth grade of district Abbottabad who studied in male (N = 80) and female (N = 80) public schools. All students were administered pretest and posttest constructed of 10 mathematical word Problems. Student of each gender were randomly divided in two groups experimental and control. Students in each group were also assigned into higher and lower achiever group on the basis of pretest scores and consultation with their teachers. Experimental groups of each gender were exposed to metacognitive instruction strategy SAVE the TIME and control group was taught by traditional method. The findings indicate that students exposed to SAVE the TIME of both gender significantly outperformed their counterparts in the control group, higher achiever and lower achiever both groups benefited from SAVE the TIME. In addition, the study indicates that there was not any difference in achievement between male and female higher achievers and male and female lower achievers exposed to SAVE the TIME.

Afia Iqbal, Naveed Sultana, Muhammad Tanveer Afzal. (2017) The Effects of Metacognitive Instruction on Higher and Lower Achiever in Solving Mathematical Word Problems , Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-27, Issue-1.
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