At present, Pakistan houses the largest number of young adults in its history,
whose capabilities must be analyzed to cope with the challenges of the future
years. Especially with reference of education, it is important to tap their views
about life. Madaris in Pakistan are playing a vital role in education system but
socioeconomic background of madrassah students still needs more
exploration. It is generally assumed that most of the students come from
lower social strata. However, madrassah students have several intangible
deprivations other than financial constraints. Hence, the term “specific
deprivations” reveal intangible and non material poverty irrespective of their
social class. This research attempts to explore the deprivations of students of
Madaris with reference of their socioeconomic backgrounds. Drawing on 200
interviews with students of madaris, it was found that they suffer from
multifaceted deprivations. These deprivations hinder their independent and
collective modes of prosperity. Interview schedule was used to study various
aspects of participants’ lives such as age, socioeconomic status, education,
financial resources, residential conditions, psychological & emotional
deprivations and interpersonal relationships with family members.
Sitwat Farooq, Anjum Zia. (2018) Specific Deprivations of Youth in Madaris: A Reflection from Madaris in Lahore, Journal of Arts and Social sciences, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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