Maqasid al-Shairah (objectives of Shairah), is a very important topic of Islamic Jurisprudence. There is no doubt that the knowledge of Maqasid al-Shariah is necessary for students of Islamic jurisprudence and Muftis who involve in fatwa writing and derivation of Shariah rulings in order to consider them in the process of Ijtihad and giving rulings. Otherwise, Fatwa or Shariah ruling cannot be balanced if Maqasid al-Shariah are neglected at all. Therefore, if we look into classical literature of Islamic jurisprudence and Usul-e-Fiqh, we see that our great jurists and scholars had discussed Maqasid al-Shariah with details in their writings. But the problem with that is they discussed the topic of Maqasid with different terminologies under different topics. Therefore, the students of fiqh and researchers of Islamic law sometimes fail or face difficulties to reach these important writings with regard to Maqasid. The objective of this study is to explain the definitions of Maqasid and other related terminologies. Further, this paper also sheds light on differences and similarities of these related terms between them. It is believed that the paper will add value in the existing literature of Maqasid and pave the way for thorough understanding of classical literature.

Aijaz Ali Khoso, Zahid Hussain Channa, Zahoor Ahmed Abbasi. (2019) Maqasidush Sharia Wal Mustlahat Ul Mutaqrabah, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-03, Issue-2.
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