No society is safe from crimes hence with the passage of time, crimes amplify along with alteration in its nature. As the approaches of investigation and finding the crime develop, the ratio of crimes also increases and the casualties occur with new devices and techniques. On the other hand individual and collective endeavors are being made to stop it. The concerned authorities try to finish or decrease these crimes by formulating various new rules. The rules that the Creator and the real Owner of the whole world had bestowed upon us in the form of Islam, it includes the right and basic techniques to control the crimes. As the modern technology has facilitated us with many facilities, it has also facilitated us in finding a culprit or proofs against him that helps in the stoppage of crimes and finding the criminals. As this modern technology has brought a great reduction in the casualties and crimes, on the other hand we have also to face some legal and Islamic issues. One of these issues is the case of medical test for witness that whether the test of clinical laboratory can be accepted as witness.

ابظاہر خان, شاہ خالد. (2019) میڈیکل ٹیسٹ سے گواہی کی شرعی حیثیت: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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