Almighty Allah has stated the nature of man that everything He loves towards the one He loves is dear to Him. For this reason, in every age human being has been attached to the remains of his beloved thing. The stories of the former Ummah are contained in the holy Qura᾽n, in which their remnants are proven to be safe after they passed away. This last Ummah also appears to meet these natural requirements. Therefore, just as this Ummah loves his Prophet (peace be upon him) . Therefore the sacred Islamic ancient relics have extraordinary significance, which are attributed to the holy Prophet. Muslims get peace by them and kept protecting and persevering such relics during every period. The companions of the Prophet (PBUP) have kept them safe too and they organized particular arrangements for preserving them. But there is also a theory which those who believe these are considered as a prohibition of Islamic Sharia, and they present their arguments on the basis of a “Hadith” attributed to Ḥaḍrat ʻUmar Fārūq (R. A) . It is narrated from Ḥaḍrat ʻUmar Fārūq, that the he used to give an importance to the memorandum of Muhammad (PBUH) . In the light of such “Riwāyās”, the mentioned “Hadith” would be suspicious. It is essential that he research of this “Hadith” should be reviewed, how its status is? In this article, research has been studied by this “Hadith” that it is clear that this “Hadith” could not be narrated by Ḥaḍrat ʻUmar Fārūq (R. A) . Therefore, the concept of demolition of such scared ancient relics could not be supported by the above mentioned “Hadith”.

ابراہیم محمد, ساجد محمود. (2019) تبرکات نبوی ﷺکے انہدام سے متعلق حضرت عمر فاروق کی طرف منسوب روایت کا تحقیقی جائزہ, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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