Islam is a complete code of life. It is a legal system which fulfills the fundamental and natural rights of human beings. One of these rights is that no action will be taken against anybody if there is received any allegation against him until he is heard. The Islamic law provides the respondent a right to be informed through a show cause notice (SCN) for investigation of the situation whether the allegation against him is true or false. The contemporary laws also assert for security of human rights, but day to day happenings often put them to face many hurdles in its implementation in all such situations, which call further legislation and amendments. This article discusses the SCN procedure in Qur᾽anic perspective. The main purpose is to introduce the compliance and universality of the Islamic law and to make reader know that this law belief (in, on) human rights is to be enhanced for peace and prosperity of human society. There are a bundle of examples in Qur᾽an which clarifies the procedure of a SCN. We have taken just four stories amongst these verses. All of these stories have a complete SCN procedure; from beginning to the end. The procedure is dealt in a descriptive method, accompanied with the SCN procedure in contemporary law also. The conclusion is given at the end that the contemporary law in this aspect is according to the Qur᾽anic instructions.

ظهير, شمس الحسين, بادشاہ رحمن. (2019) شوکازنوٹس کا طریقۂ کار: قرآنی احکامات کے تناظر میں جائزہ, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2.
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