The Arabic language is the language of the Holy Quran, which has become an immortal language because of the immortality of the Holy Quran as it says: "Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian. " It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, especially since the language is the means of communication among the peoples of the world. Communication and technological techniques in learning and teaching the Arabic language taking into account the elements of the educational process (student, teacher and curriculum) , according to the requirements of the age, and the development of the mechanisms of teaching the Arabic language with modern technologies that keep up with the times and developments. The aim of the research is to explain the impact of modern means of communication on the teaching of the Arabic language according to several axes: definition of the language, definition of the language in Arabic and the strategy of its publication, the definition of the modern means of communication and their types in the teaching of the Arabic language. The analytical approach will be used in this study. The researcher concluded at the end of this study to prove that the Arabic language faces many challenges in light of the great progress of the modern means of communication and technical progress; and that there are many obstacles in the use of educational technology in the teaching of the Arabic language, which prevents the achievement of the objectives of education. Solutions to this problem are, thus, suggested so as to improve the Arabic language and maintain its position among the languages of the world.

Eman Mohamed Ahmed, Rabie. (2019) توظيف وسائل الاتصال الحديثة في تعليم اللغة العربية, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2.
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