Qurān is the last scripture of Allah Almighty and a massage for whole mankind till the day of hereafter. This massage is sign of peace for all the societies and religions as well as source of salvation for the Muslims. Today,human beings are divided in sects and differences overlapped the dignity of man. Due to inequality man has became lower creation. Cios, discrimination and religious abhorrence crushed the peace of societies. Blood shedding is going on in the name of religion. As if the world reversed to the age of stone.It is worth noticing that in past, Qurānic teachings has great influenced on societies and protected the human constancy so there will be great need in future. In Qurān , Prophets of Allah Allmighty have played a vital role to create social harmony and With the help of .lenience among the followers the different religions efforts which have done by Prophets social stability and peace will be possible and social integration achieved by them. In the Holy Qurān, Many indications of social harmony and lenience are found in Qurān .The question is how much Quānic massage would be helpful to create peace and integrity in multi religion society. This research paper reviews the efforts of Prophets of God and their impact on the people in effective way.

Dr. Fozia, Naeem Qaiser. (2021) Takreem e Insaniyat Our Quran ka Dawati Manhaj, Taleemat e Anbiya ki Roshni Main, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2.
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