The stories stated in the Holy Quran have become the centre of the writing and thinking of the scholars for centuries. One of the best stories among them is the story of Hazrat Adam (A.S) which is explained in various surahs of Holy Quran with different aspects. The story of Hazrat Adam (A.S) has many meaningful directions. One of them is the knowledge that is the reason of Hazrat Adam (A.S) caliphat. As knowledge is compulsory for the caliphate, hence present study will explain it from the perspective of major topics; (1) The nature of knowledge, (2) Capability of knowledge, (3) Teaching of knowledge, (4) Expression of knowledge, (5) Grace of knowledge, (6) Application of knowledge. In the story of Hazrat Adam (A S) is the basic key that 1 َها أس َما َء ُكلَّ َم آ َدَم اأْلَ َو َعلَّ provide guidance about the nature of knowledge. The honor of a human being is that he possesses the ability of knowledge by birth. Therefore, the honor granted to Hazrat Adam (A.S) as caliph of Allah (S.W) is also a result of this basic ability of knowledge. Human knowledge is transferred from one to another through education. Due to the expression of knowledge, Hazrat Adam (A.S) proved his superiority before angles and expressed his ablility to become a caliph of Alllah (S W) on earth. The worth and superiority of knowledge has been expressed through several dimentions in the story of Hazrat adam (A.S). Knowledge is the name of deriving the principles of knowledge and applying these principles to those incidents and parts that accur later. Caliphate is an important position for which the eligibility criteria declared by the creator of the word i.e Allah Almighty himself is “knowledge” The Quranic principle of appointing on the status of caliphate comes to light by the study of this story. So, for being appointed on the status of a caliph it is necessary to possess the basic quality of knowledge.

Tahira Yasmeen. (2021) Qissa Adam Aur Ilm Waja Mansab e Khilafat , AL-ILM Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2.
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