For the survival of any society or state, it is considered necessary to move towards progress and development. From time immemorial, social changes have been considered indispensable for the attainment of human needs which lead it to a peaceful life. There are various concepts and various models regarding the progress and development. In some circles, the spiritual and moral aspect of development is the only reality, while in other circles, the only basis for development is material. Similarly, the involvement of scientific inventions in material and social development is a matter of course. The development of scientific inventions has given rise to many conveniences in human life. For example, today's man checks chats and emails on the iPad, pays bills through ATM machines, and high-rise buildings, luxurious industries, space experiments, nuclear energy projects, witness scientific miracles . At the same time, it is a bitter truth that in most Third World countries, including the Muslim World are facing hunger, poverty, disease, pollution, backwardness, corruption, declining administrative character, instability and riots, natural disasters, crime, deprivation and despair. In these circumstances, the intellectual and empirical importance of sustainable development increases, that is meets the needs of the present without affecting the developmental abilities of the new generation. If the concept of development in Islamic society is examined in this context, then the fundamental status of ethics along with material aspects is evident. Accordingly, the scope of the fruits of development in the Islamic State is non-classical and non-territorial. Planning for the development of the society in the Islamic State and society keeping in view the present as well as future requirements is one of the duties of its institutions. It is also the primary responsibility of the Islamic State to ensure that the development of one sector of life does not lead to the backwardness of another sector and do not allow even the limited thinking of completing the development plan of one region at the expense of another region . The article under study discusses the role of sustainable development in the reconstruction of Pakistani society with an Islamic perspective

Dr. Kalsoom Paracha. (2021) Fikr e Islami main Paidaar Taraqqi ka Tasawur Aur Is ka Pakistani Muashary ki Tashkeel e Jadeed main Kirdar , AL-ILM Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2.
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