Al-Taleeqat Ala Bazl-al-Majhood (المجھود بذل علی التعلیقات (is an excellent interpretation of Sunan Abu Daw ud edited by a great Indian scholar Sheikh-ul- Hadith Maulana Zakaria Kandehlawi. It is a summary of almost all the previous commentaries edited by renowned scholars of Hadith. Due to its authenticity & popularity, the work has already acknowledged by the contemporary Arab scholars as well. In this book, the author has included the things that are left from Mulana Khalil Ahmad in Bazl-al-Majhood. Due to its valuable material this book needs to be explored. This article aims at introducing the author’s jurisprudential method inside this book.

Muhammad Inamullah , Prof. Dr. Muhamad Ijaz. (2021) Al-Taleeqat Ala Bazl-al-Majhood Main Sheikh Zikriya kay Fiqhi Asloob ka Tahqeeqi Jaiza, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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