Unity has an immense role in developing nations and achieving higher goals. Unity in Muslim Ummah is one of the basic and major issues of the time. The increasing sectarian ethnocentrism has covered and freckled the fundamental teachings of Islam. In today’s era Muslim Ummah is suffering from various major and minor problems and the fundamental reasons of their problems are seatrain hatred, difference of opinions in creeds, lust for power and fame, intolerance etc. All these problems took scattered Muslim Ummah into pieces and made them to fight on minor issues based on only difference of opinions. On the other hand the enemies of Muslim Ummah are united and fully aware that their strength lies in the disunity of Muslims. Moreover they are steeped in dividing Muslims into different sects and groups. It is a historical fact that in every age Muslims were disunited and disintegrated to weaken them. It is only possible when Ummah unites in one plate form. At the same time it is the responsibility of the Muslim rulers to play their role in for Muslim unity and Universal Brotherhood.

Allouddin Sarang , Tahira Firdous. (2020) Bain Al Msaalik Hm Aahangi Kay Asool wa Hasool e Eitehaad Kay Lie Tajaaweez, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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