The pivotal discourse around which this paper revolves is the repetitive refrains mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān and its impact upon human thought and psyche. This study highlights important features of repetition in the light of Sūrah Ash Shu‘arā’ and Sūrah al-Raḥmān concerning Da‘wah, guidance and multiples expressions of natural phenomena inviting towards reality. We may observe that how Scripture invites human’s intellect calling, inspiring and motivating it towards what is required to be done positively? Is the repetitive refrains are the need of Da‘wah and invitation to be conveyed showing its manifold facets towards human nature or not? Employing analytical method, it may be estimated that repetition is required up to what extent to divulge multiple aspects of stated guidance (hidāyah) required to be grasped. This paper finds that repetition is an important and fundamental aspect close to human nature. This study concludes that repetition may cause to focus upon the message laden with the verses before each reiteration associated with aesthetic reflection. Repetition is necessary to remember and stabilize truth in the minds and heart while on the other hand it results to acquire understanding that how repetition is purposeful confronting the objections of opponents in this regard

Muhammad Ashfaq, Manzoor Ahmad Al Azhar. (2020) Impacts of Repetitive Refrains Upon Human Thought and Comprehension: An Exegetical Discourse from Qur’ānic Perspective, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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