The life of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is described as role model in Holy Quran for all the Muslims and known as Uswa.e.Hasna. So, the importance of the life history of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) in every period before prophet hood and as a prophet cannot be denied in any walk of life. But the makki period of the Prophet’s life has not enlightened in such a way as it has importance. Many aspects of makki period has been discussed in history and seerah writing but along with this a lot of aspects has been not given due importance in contemporary seerah writing. The basic sources of hadith o seerah provides lots of material on this aspect. In the makki period, Muslims were in minority and they had to face a lot of religious, social, economic and political issues in their lives. Now a days, in modern world majority of Muslims lives in western and non.muslim societies and have to spend their lives as minority in that socities.In a state of minority, they have to face a lot of religious, social and economical issues in their lives. These problems can be solved in the light of seerah especially from the teachings of makki period, it can provide a lot of religious solutions in contemporary societies in a better way. This article will throw light on teachings of makki period and discuss the solutions of Muslim’s problems as minority in the light of fiqh.ul.seerah.

Mutaleah Niaz Ahmad & Syeda Rabia Ahmad. (2019) Makki Dor-e-Nabowat Aur Muslim Aqliyat Ka Fiqh-ul-Seerah Ki Roshani Main Samaji, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 3, Isuue 1.
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