It is an undoubted fact that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. All teachings of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) are contrary to any kind of extremism, radicalization and terrorism. Although the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and his Companions faced injustice, persecution and terrorism directly by the disbelievers of Mecca and were forced to leave their homeland, yet, they always treated very peacefully and never demonstrated any kind of extremism. When the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) established the first state of Islam in Medina, it faced many atrocities and conspiracies by its enemies, but Muslims never chose the path of injustice and terrorism even against its worst enemies. Muslims always preferred peace treaties and covenants with everyone, so that people can live peacefully. The life of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) is a practical model of moderation, integration and harmony. In this article, we will shed light on the religious view of international terrorism in the light of the Prophet’s biography. Starting with the detailed definition of terrorism, we will discuss this word from a political perspective also. Then we will move towards the international scenario and would point out that how some countries are committing the phenomenon of terrorism to achieve their goals. In the end, we will give some examples from the Prophet’s biography to address the phenomenon of terrorism, extremism, and to establish the atmosphere of tolerance and harmony. We will also discuss that how Islamic state faced international terrorism by Meccans and some tribes, and how Muslims countered it in a peaceful way. Then we will discuss that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, nor with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). Those who use the name of Islam to spread extremism and terrorism, have nothing to do with Islam. Islam does not allow anyone to commit any kind of terrorism. Some Qur’anic rulings will also be presented to highlight the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice, and the political and democratic struggle against injustice and oppression.

Faiz Ullah Baghdadi. (2019) Al Nazriya Al-Deeniya Li Fikar Al-Ashaab Al-Dwali Zwo Al Seerah Al Nabwiya, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 3, Isuue 1.
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