Holy Quran is the most sacred scripture bestowed by Allah Almighty upon his bellowed prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Unlike other scriptures, Allah Almighty himself took the responsibility of safety and safe custody of the Holy Quran. That is why, despite passage of more than 1400 years, the Holy Quran remained intact, wordwise as well as meaningwise and will remain intact till the end of the world.Such a unique status of the Holy Quran could not be tolerated by the enemies of Islam and Prophet of Islam. Therefore, they decided to present Holy Quran as a defective document before its readers. For this purpose, they chose to highlight and exploit the short and abbreviated incidents, described by the Holy Quran, under the term of “Muthashalihat”, by adding and narrating false, nonsense and most astonishing stories, just to divert attention of the readers from the basic learning of Holy Quran, towards un-realistic and bogus stories. Accordingly majority of the readers have shown great interest in these stories, which fall under the title of Israiliat Unfortunately, the said stories are included in dozens of Translations Tafaseer of the Holy Quran.In order to acquaint readers of the actual status of Israiliat, the undersigned has started working on the subject. Since Tafseer-e-Jalalain is included in the Syllabus of Maddaris and being taught for the last many years, therefore, I have chosen the same in the first instance, and pray Allah Almighty to help me out in completing my assignment

Ikram Ullah & Abdulali Achakzai. (2019) Tafseer Jalalain Aur Israelee Rawayaat Ka Tazeeyati Mutaleeah, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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