Islamic Shariah provides a complete code of life,as man can take guidance from Shariah , regarding each and every aspect of his life .Commerce plays a pivot role in human life which has been mentioned time and again in Quran and Hadith. According to one Tradition, Allah has affixed and set 10 parts of sustenance and in these ten parts, nine are in Trade. In Shariah the luminary Islamic scholars and jurists have deputed peculiar and separate subjects with different titles regarding Trade, the most famous and acknowledged are "Kitab-ul-Mutajir" and "Kitab-ul-Biyou". Islam elevates and upgrades those who toil and labour hard, among them the Labourer has prominent state and he is above all among them. According to the sacred utterance of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW: "You should pay the labourer his wages before his sweat dries away”. In the present era, no one can deny this fact that this world has become a global village, therefore new ways and system of commercial are in vogue and being applied besides some traditional ways. Such as Banking System, E-Purchasing, Online shopping and some other modes and means. In these traditional, latest and new trading systems, usually the labourers are being exploited because they are given less poor wages than their rigorous toilsome labour. However in the under discussion article the labourer rights and their utmost implementation in the trade of present era would be reviewed and analyzed in the light of Seerat-ulNabi SAWW

Dr. Shabir Hussain & Sehar Kiran. (2019) Jadeed Tijarati Nizam Main Mazduron Ky Haqooq Seerat Taeyibah Ki Roshni Mian, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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