The text is larger pattern of any language; it consists smaller units of a language. The Aristotle was among the earliest who discussed the unity of text, then letter on Arabian scholars especially philosophers started to relate it with Quranic text and analysis it according this concept; even some of them claim that the unity of Quranic text is the only reason in its “Ijaaz”. And more then that there were some others who discussed its different aspects in Arabic poetry and prose in the same time. On the other hand the western scholar studied the same “textual unity” in different ways in modern textual linguistics by defining the “unity” as a larger pattern of text.This work will discuss the all aspects of textual unit and its relations with larger pattern in the light of textual linguistics.

Dr. Muhammad Faisal. (2019) Alwahidaah Alnaseehah W Elaaqateha Bilnamat Allagawee Alkabeer, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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