Romentic Movement and Urdu Novel
The term Romantics has its origin in Europe. It contains the
element against set tradition and principles. It imluenced the
society, pditics, morality and literature. This movement allows
freedom in the expression Of ideas. The poet seeks relief while
touching the depths of past. Romanticism remained the effective
mode of expression for a long time. This movement also
influential the urdu literature to a great extent. It stopped the
onward rush of rationalism and goalism of sir Sayyed Ahmad
Khan. The writers prodnced "Makhzan" which spread its effect
in each moke and comer Of the sub-continent. Abdul Haleern
Sharar,Ratan Nath Sarshar, Niaz Fateh Poori Kishan Parshad
Kol, Fiaz Ali, Hijab Imtiaz Ali, Nisar Azeez Butt Razia Faseeh
Ahamd, Jameela Hashmi and Altaf Fatima wrote urdu novels
under the influence of romanticism.
Adnan Ahmad , Dr Perveen Kallu. (2015) رومانوی تحریک اوراُردوناول, Zaban-o-Adab, Volume 20, Issue 1 .
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