Corporate governance is one of most widely researched topics in the different fields of management sciences. Additionally, governance plays equal role in firm performance in all countries especially d ... Read More

Collection of local own source in a decentralized economy is a huge challenge for town administrations in developing countries. The resultant of which is poor service delivery and infrastructural mana ... Read More

The purpose of this paper was to investigate those factors which influence accounting students in selecting their career paths alongside graduation. In the current study, non-probability purposive sam ... Read More

The study investigated the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSDand its impact on job satisfaction and perceived job performance in faculty members of private universities in Kabul, Afghan ... Read More

The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of self expressive brands and brand attachment on brand advocacy with the mediating role of brand love. Findings are revealed on the survey o ... Read More

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of infrastructure and institutional quality on industrial growth of Pakistan. The study covers the time span of 1984 2012. The ARDL (Auto Regressive ... Read More

This paper examines Pakistans trade flows using a gravity model for the period 2002-2015. We have selected the following major trade partners: China, UAE, Saudi Arab, United States, Kuwait, Malaysia, ... Read More

The re-basing of the Nigerian economic data since 2013 has shown the growing relevance of the service sector to the economic development of Nigeria. The need to investigate the nexus between the servi ... Read More

Remittances all over the world play significant role in improving the standard of living of the people in general. Broadly it is difficult to analyze all the characteristics of life standards and, usu ... Read More

Previous literature has examined the direct relationship between the concept of corporate social responsibility & organizational citizenship behavior. Present study is investigating the mediated link ... Read More

The Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) of firms is broadly described as a dimension of strategic posture and important part for enhancing firm Performance. The current study investigated the effect of E ... Read More

This study explores whether voluntary delisting of companies from stock exchanges can be predicted by the DuPont Model. ROE (Return on Equity), NPM (Net Profit Margin), ATO (Assets Turnover) and LM (L ... Read More

This paper examines the impact of operational flexibility on firm performance. This research aims to determine the impact of two specific flexibility types on firm performance in the textile industry ... Read More

The paper aims at identifying the effects of store image on purchase intention in international retail outlets in Lahore, Pakistan. The study focuses on the different dimensions of store image that ef ... Read More

The current study explores the impact of intellectual property right, financial development and institutional quality on foreign direct investment. Data of patent index were used as a proxy of intelle ... Read More

Brands try to initiate and build strong relationships with their customers in order to overcome the rising local and international competition in apparel and other industries. Previous research sugges ... Read More


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