The current study is a bid to explore the dynamic effects of Innovation, FDI, and trade openness on services sector in selected developed and developing economies for the period of 1992 to 2016. For ... Read More

Study in hand inspects the monetary policy transmission mechanisms in Pakistan with a special focus on bank lending and asset price channels. Monthly data over the period 2000M7-2016M12 are being us ... Read More

Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior are the valuable components of an organization and these components become a core competency to improve organizational performance n ... Read More

Energy arguably plays a substantial part in the economic growth process. Henceforth, a bulk of studies have endeavored to examine the linkages between energy consumption and economic growth; however, ... Read More

The aim of the study is to find out and improve the strength of supply chain integration thorough testing the effect of antecedents on Supply Chain Integration (SCI). SCI is a key element for improvi ... Read More

This study aims to investigate impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. Information data were collected by questionnaires from two hundred customers of four private sector banks located in ... Read More

Talent management is the recruitment, selection, and retainment of the most talented workforce which indicates that it is an advanced field of human resource management (HRM). The prosperity of an or ... Read More

Managers and HR professionals are always concerned with the engagement of employees at workplace. Using attitude theory this study aims to examine the connection between employee engagement with job f ... Read More

This study adopts the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and the variance decomposition techniques in testing the financial acceleration theory in banks intermediation. The bank intermediation varia ... Read More

The purpose of the current study was to examine the impact of humorous advertisement on purchase decision. To the test the hypotheses, Ufone ads were analyzed and compared to other mobile network ads, ... Read More

This study attempts to explore the structure of human capital management (HCM) practices in the higher education system of Pakistan. The study does not consider the respondents to be conceptually awar ... Read More

Globalization is a multi-dimensional phenomena with profound impact on different aspects of the modern world including economic, social, political, cultural, environmental, and geographical. This stud ... Read More

The sole aim of the study is to analyze the effect of the lease as a potential driver of firm’s financial performance in oil and gas industry of Pakistan. The population for the current research study ... Read More

The aim of the current study was to analyze the impact of Nurses Emotional Intelligence on Patients Quality-of-Care with the mediating role of Job Involvement. Deductive approach was used to study the ... Read More

There are more than one hundred portfolio performances, which have been proposed in financial literature, (Cogneau and Hubner ¨ , 2009), but extensively used performance measure is a Sharpe ratio and ... Read More

The advancement of Information Technology and Telecommunication has opened new avenues for business. These astonishing developments have led to rapid diffusion of ecommerce which is gaining popularity ... Read More


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