This research comprehensively assessed the relation between framework of human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational financial performance. The results based on a sample of banks of P ... Read More

The current study aimed at identifying the relationship between turnover intention and workplace violence with a mediating role of work engagement and job satisfaction. A structured questionnaire has ... Read More

This paper identified the role of the independent variable like service quality, taking perceived value, word of mouth and customer satisfaction (mediation/ intervening variables) in creating customer ... Read More

This study aimed at exploring how the perception about leadership styles affected the functionality of the Higher Education Institutions. We used a self-administered questionnaire to a sample of 328 a ... Read More

The main purpose of conducting this exploratory qualitative research was to determine the nature of drive theory among business students, where drive is a motivation for some behavior based on a biolo ... Read More

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Cash Flows, Growth Opportunities, Firm Size, Firm Age, Firm Performance, Investment, Financial constraints and Leverage betwee ... Read More

This paper aims to investigate how the relationship between safety management practices and occupational health and safety performance have been examined in the literature, and which future research a ... Read More

Banks are the most vital financial intermediaries in economy, which has a profitable banking industry; in order to survive undesirable shock as well as subsidize the constancy under the whole economy. ... Read More

The main objective of the study was to compare the risk management practices of public and private banks and rank different types of risks faced by public and private banks in Afghanistan banking sect ... Read More

The research was conducted for inspecting the bond among Perceived Leadership and Employee Workplace Outcomes as well as the moderating role of Emotional Intelligence on the connection between perceiv ... Read More

Objective of the research was to explore the relationship flank-by Students satisfaction level with five variables shown in frame-work. Population of this study was whole country (Pakistan). As a samp ... Read More

The study aimed to explore the significance of the relationship between current asset management, and financial efficiency in the textile sector of Pakistan. Financial data were collected for 50 texti ... Read More

The current study deliberated to figure out the effect of job satisfaction as moderator between emotional intelligence and coreness of advice network of employees of organization. The results show enh ... Read More

The study is deliberated to know the effects and benefits of lending relationships on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Economic Development in Balochistan. The target population in this context ... Read More

Previous literature supports the role of online reviews in influencing customer purchase intentions in the online context. However, the research gap exists based on the underlying mechanism of influen ... Read More

The corporate governance measures emphasize on presence of independence of the board of directors to bring objectivity and reducing the agency cost; whereas the institutions have the ability, skills a ... Read More


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