This research aims to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and employees’ creativity through mediating role of trust and job autonomy. The study employed cross sectional survey ... Read More

This research focuses on identifying the challenges faced by expatriates during knowledge transfer. Further it investigates the tools employed by these expatriates in facilitating knowledge transfer t ... Read More

Saudi government is struggling to build knowledge based society to encounter social and economic challenges for the year 2030, when oil supply will be just sufficient to meet local Saudi demands. This ... Read More

Green Supply Chain Management (GrSCM) has received increased attention from both academia and industry in recent years in the industrial nations. It focuses on reducing the adverse impact of business ... Read More

Consumers’ attitude holds central focus in mainstream research in marketing, with abundant research on consumers’ attitude towards digital and online advertisements. Yet, there is scarce research on l ... Read More

The basic aim of this paper is to explore the link between Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Ethical Leadership with Psychological Capital (PsyCap) as a mediator between them in a developi ... Read More

This study aims to identify the prevailing type of culture and its relationship with performance in SMEs operating in Pakistan. Using competing value framework, the cultural profile and dominant chara ... Read More

A sharp increase in tuition fee and the demand for efficient university graduates for employment from the employers’ perspective has given rise to an increase in students’ expectations. In private sec ... Read More

The purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the vital role of sustainability practices encompassing eco efficiency linked, employee or ethics centered and integrative procedures for enl ... Read More

The importance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their economic contribution is acknowledged globally. Although SMEs in developed economies have become fairly competitive, their counterparts ... Read More


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