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This paper studies asymmetrical gender relationship between male and female in the patriarchal society of Pakistan where women face growing problems of disempowerment and social and economic seclusion as a result of lack of entitlement top reductive assets such as education, health, jobs, technology and land. The economic and social seclusion of women is mainly attributed to different forms and structures of the society, which this paper discusses in detail. However, to further understand the asymmetrical relationship between man and woman, the paper makes a comparative analysis of the Becker ’s Unitary Economic and Agrwals’ Bargaining Model. The main thrust of the Becker Model being that it is largely based on the formulation which treats household as a unit of altruistic decision making, according to which the welfare of each member of the family is normally integrated in to the unified family welfare function. Contrastingly, the Bargaining Model sees the household or family as an intricate pattern of relationships involving continuous negotiations subject to the constraints set by gender, age, type of relationship and outdated un disputed traditions. In South Asian societies, of which Pakistan is apart, there are different social controls app lied to regulate women s’ social and economic behavior at every level of society. A central and systematic form of control is patriarchy, which, as argued in this study, is the main cause of women ’s subordination.

Samina Isran, Manzoor Isran. (2013) PATRIARCHY AND GENDER INEQUALITIES IN PAKISTAN: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS , Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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