آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

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Esposito, one of the leading American scholars on Islam in his book “The Future of Islam” discusses in detail the issues relating to what may be termed as socio-political aspects of I ... Read More

This paper studies asymmetrical gender relationship between male and female in the patriarchal society of Pakistan where women face growing problems of disempowerment and social and economic seclu ... Read More

During the 90s era some Indonesianists, the scholars who are expert about Indonesia, described Indonesia as a multi-cultural country with potential to emerge as a strong economy. With amazing economic ... Read More

This study investigates the hypothesized interrelation among text rhetorical structure, Iranian Intermediate EFL learner’s cognitive styles and reading skill. To do so, eighty participants identified ... Read More

The marginalization of social sciences and humanities is a phenomenon that transpires in almost every society whether advanced or developing at some point in time. It assumes diverse forms and result ... Read More

The domain of higher education in Pakistan experienced a drastic change during the past ten years. This time frame, which coincided with two regime changes in the country, is the span where many far r ... Read More

The speech learning model of second language acquisition predicts that if learners of an L2 cannot perceive a phonetic difference between two sounds they show equivalence classification for those soun ... Read More

The focus of this study was to identify the intensity and trends of unethical drug promotion practices in Pakistan. The study evaluates the responsible factors for the ethical and non-ethical pharmace ... Read More

Islamic business principles and practices have been receiving increased attention globally resulting in businesses reflecting an inclination towards adopting these principles and practices, primarily, ... Read More

Transport studies suggest that investments in urban roads have been justified in terms of easing congestion, saving time and energy, increasing safety, improving social and environmental outcomes and ... Read More

his revolutionary idea, today, may appear to many an ordinary fact that even a common man can fathom quite effortlessly. Nevertheless, it is this ordinary perspective that often keeps me engrossed eit ... Read More