Postmodernism is a contradictory phenomenon, a model of rupture focused on pluralism, open-endedness and fluidity. Postmodernist fluidity is the hallmark of postmodernism that is reflected in Oeuvre of Lyotard, Hassan, Derrida etc. However, it has not yet been explored from postmodernist textual techniques, i.e., pastiche, open-endedness, disjunction, recombination, aleatory, collage, intertextuality, multi-voiced narrative, and poly-temporal time structure in the selected poems of Ondaatje. There were two findings of the present study; first, postmodernist textual techniques also contained postmodernist fluidity, second, postmodernist techniques were explored in the selected poems of Ondaatje. Findings of the present qualitative study were investigated through textual analysis because ‘words and phrases’ of the selected poems of Ondaatje were analyzed in the frame of reference to postmodernist textual techniques in order to rank him among postmodern poets. Postmodernist textual techniques were sought out from the selected eight poems of Ondaatje i.e. “The Republic”, “Dates”, “The Diverse Causes”, “Inner Tube”, “Proust in the Waters”, etc.

Shahbaz Afzal Bezar, Mahmood Ahmad Azhar. (2017) Fluidity in Postmodernist Textual Techniques: A Textual Analysis of the Selected Poems of Ondaatje, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-24, Issue-1.
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