Due to its accommodative labor market and scores of employment opportunities, Saudi Arabia is one of the prime destinations for international migrant workers from Asia and Africa. However, its migration policies have been reported as inhospitable and discriminatory for variety of reasons. This paper aims to document the lived experiences of Pakistani migrant workers in Saudi Arabia. A total of 15 returnee migrant workers in selected villages of District Malakand were identified through snow ball sampling method. A qualitative method of study was adopted to conduct in-depth interviews with migrant workers while adopting data saturation principles. Based on the first hand information collected from the study participants, their personal migration stories were documented and a thematic discussion was performed. It is concluded from this study that migrant workers in Saudi Arabia have been socially marginalized and economically subjugated in many aspects which includes confiscation of travel documents, Aqama (work permit) renewal process, absence of favorable and secured working environment, job substitution, and withheld wages. Reforms in the existing immigration policies are recommended to protect the basic rights of migrant workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Khalil ur Rahman, Noor Sanauddin. (2016) Understanding the Lived Experiences of Pakistani Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia: A Study in District Malakand, Pakistan, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-23, Issue-1.
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