According to the 3rd June Plan of 1947, two important Muslim majority provinces of the British India i.e. Punjab and Bengal were also to be divided along with the division of the Indian Sub-continent. The task of dividing Punjab and Bengal was handed over to two Boundary Commissions consisting of four judges each, who ultimately failed to accomplish their assignment. An attempt has been made in this article to understand the causes for the failure of the judges of the Punjab Boundary Commission in demarcating the boundary between the East and West Punjab. The problems and circumstances under which Radcliffe, the Joint Chairman of the Punjab and Bengal Boundary Commission, eventually demarcated these boundaries have also been discussed at some length.

Farzana Gul Taj. (2016) Causes of the Failure of Judges of the Punjab Boundary Commission to Demarcate the Boundary between East and West Punjab, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-23, Issue-1.
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