The 73 years old conflict in Kashmir is defined in various ways by India, Pakistan and international authors yet none of the definition is accepted as concrete and final. Pakistan sees Kashmir in terms of an indigenous struggle of Kashmiris for their right of self-determination. It also expresses concern over constant human rights violation in Kashmir. India views Kashmir as an internal conflict and defines the freedom movement of Kashmiris as an insurgency. Kashmiris, the main conflict actor, define their struggle as a freedom movement to gain freedom from Indian government to enjoy socio-political rights and consolidate their distinct identity of ‘Kashmiriyat’. For the past 10 years, the violence in Kashmir has taken its most brutal form where the victims are as young as a 3 month old infant and as old as 80 + years. This study attempts to define Kashmir conflict through its technical interpretation under legal framework whether it is a struggle for the right of self-determination, or an insurgency as described by Indian government, if not then would the massive scale of human killings be termed as a genocide.

Dr. Maria Saifuddin Effendi, Dr. Marium Fatima. (2021) Right of Self Determination and Kashmiris: A Conceptual Understanding and Perspective, Orient Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume-06, Issue-1.
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