The educational choices available to the people of any country guarantee the human and economic wellbeing of the country. This right of easy access to educational opportunities is safe guarded by the states across the globe. In addition to the focus on increasing the participation rate of Pakistani students in educational activities, their retention at school has become a serious concern for the authorities. The dropout of primary school students in schools is also a very common phenomenon. A lot of efforts are made to cope with the alarming situation of dropping out but in vain. This study was planned to explore the causes of primary school students’ dropout by documenting the views of primary school teachers. Although, students of primary school age group are unable to participate in any kind of economic activity, but they are dropping out continuously. This descriptive inquiry was based on a survey of opinion of 379 male and 402 female primary school teachers (N=781) of public sector schools from eight districts of the biggest province Punjab of Pakistan. Data collected were analyzed by using the Green’s Successive Categories Scaling Method and other statistical measures. The class repetition, out of school friendships and difficulties in learning came out as major causes of dropout. The male and female teachers fixed the responsibility of dropping out on parents and the children. The authorities should show their will to minimize the dropout rate by improving schools and ensuring the compulsory primary education to all children in the province.

Muhammad Shahid Farooq. (2016) Causes of Primary School Students' Dropout in Punjab Primary School Teachers' Perspective, Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-26, Issue-1.
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