Geometric construction has been one of the topics in Mathematics that account for poor performance in both internal and external examinations among pupils in Junior High School. This interventional study sought to find the difference in the performance of pupils who were taught geometric construction in abstract and those who were taught practically. A total of 60 pupils were used in the study. A well-structured lesson with Teaching and Learning Materials was used. The pretest and posttest assessments were deployed to ascertain the effect of the interventional teaching methods. Before the intervention, 87% of the pupils scored below the average mark of 50 and only 13% scored above the average mark of 50. The posttest results of the abstract method group were similar to the results of the pretest. However, after the intervention 87% of the pupils scored above the average mark of 50and only 13% scored below the average mark in the practical group. The pupils taught with the practical method performed far better (t = -41.44) in the posttest compared to those taught with abstract method. In conclusion, the use of appropriate methodology, and Teaching and Learning Materials will together make pupils appreciate geometric construction.

Prince Chikwere, Kofi Ayama. (2016) Teaching of Geometric Construction in Junior High School: An Intervention , Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-26, Issue-1.
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