The aim of present study was to investigate the causes of stress and personal strain among secondary teachers in district Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Population of this study comprised of the teachers teaching at secondary level in Punjab. This study was delimited to the public secondary schools of district Rawalpindi. In order to select representative sample from the population, simple random sampling technique was used. Sample of the study was consisted of ninety public secondary school teachers (45 males and 45 females) from the different Male and Female schools. The researcher used Occupational Stress Inventory–revised (OSI-R) to measure causes of role stress and personal strain among teachers. For Data tabulation and analysis appropriate statistical tools were applied. Data analysis revealed that role overload, role insufficiency, role ambiguity and responsibility were main causes of role stress while vocational strain, psychological strain and interpersonal strain were main causes of personal strain among secondary teachers. Positive correlation was found between stress and personal strain. Recommendations for teachers to manage their stress are based on the conclusions drawn from the results.

Shazia Zamir, Quratul Ain Hina. (2014) Causes of Role Stress and Personal Strain among Secondary School Teachers , Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-24, Issue-2.
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