Islamic cardinal precepts include seeking benefaction and patronage of other Muslims. Generally, Islamic history is replete with such munificent and generous personages as were ever geared up to serving humanity, yet the golden era of Islamic history excelled in profusion of such noble persons. When we review the aspect of serving mankind in the life history of the reverend Sahaba (the holy prophet’s disciples), we come to know that they had highly remarkable passions for helping, beneficing, supporting and sustaining their relatives, friends as well as the common run. The level of their charity was so great that they felt felicity and prostrated to Allah in gratitude even after giving away their all possessions and belongings for Allah’s sake only. In fact, the motivation behind this generosity was the attainment of pleasing Allah and the obedience and submission to the holy prophet. They had no iota of worldly voracity or avarice. Therefore, they were ever elated over giving away their assets.

Farikha Khan & Dr Zahoor Ullah Al Azhari. (2018) The Role of Sahabiyat in the Economic Sustenance of the Poor, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1.
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