Islam provides a complete code of life and no doubt it is the religion of love and peace. The aim 0f its teaching is to unite the Muslim world specially and the whole human community in general. “Prophetic Methodology for the Elimination of Social Disturbance and Anarchy” is the topic to provide the practical guideline to built a peaceful and human caring society .First of all the word disturbance and anarchy has been described ,secondly the kinds of disturbance and anarchy as internal and external has been discussed .Different aspects ,reasons and the solutions of all external and internal disturbance and anarchy has been discussed in detail .Moreover their targets and objectives have also been expressed .The main focus of the research is to provide the practical solution of all types of social disturbance and anarchy in light of Prophetic teachings.

Dr Naseem Mehmood, Samia Mujahid. (2018) Muasharti Fasad-o-Intishar kay Tadaruk ka Nabavi Manhaj., AL-ILM Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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