This study is an attempt to understand and analyze the at- titudes and behaviors of Pakistani employees and workers towards adoption of spiritual values for enhancing their pro- ductivity and in order to become an effective employee for the organization. The spiritual values are hypothesized in terms of individual betterment, collective betterment and or- ganizational betterment to determine the organizational be- havior The Z-test has been employed which validates most of our developed hypothesis and shows that most of Pakistani employees believe that spiritual values can affect positively their individual, collective and organizational betterment. JEL Classification: Z10, Z12, Z13, Z18 Keywords: Spiritual values, organizational behavior, individ- ual, collective and organizational betterment.

Munir Hussain, Shakil Ahmed. (2013) Capturing imperative inevitability of spiritual values in Pakistani organizations, Jinnah Business Review, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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