This study examined proteges work-locus of control, mediating role of mentoring initiation and moderating role of trust in mentor for successful psychosocial mentoring relationships at work. Data were ... Read More

The aim of the current study was to examine a few antecedents of brand loyalty, such as brand awareness, perceived quality, especially focusing on the moderating role of brand image. The data were col ... Read More

The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between servant leadership and project success through the mechanism of team building; while trying to find out the moderation effect of trust. The ... Read More

his study tries to investigate the assessment of the FATA Development Authority’s skill development program offered for FATA youth. The aim is to explore the social impact of the FATA Development Auth ... Read More

The objective of this study is to examine the Impact of Overconfidence bias and Herding bias on Investment Decision Making with Moderating Role of Financial Literacy. The population was Investor, Empl ... Read More

I.T industry is playing a vital role in the development of Pakistan. Well developed countries are outsourcing their projects to Pakistan due to economical workforce due to which I.T industry in Pakist ... Read More

The Purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of relationship between co-worker support, and project efficiency in the presence of mediating role of team cohesiveness and moderating role o ... Read More

This research examines a model depicting the association between distributive justice, procedural justice, affective commitment and work outcomes in a special context of higher education institutes. W ... Read More

This study examines the relationship between perceived usefulness of technology and ease of use with technology usage. Data were collected by 100 respondents of government sector of Pakistan. The resu ... Read More

The focus of this research is to check the impact of leadership style on whistle blowing intention with the mediator and moderator. Using an assorted sample of 300 personnel from a variety of banks in ... Read More

This study examined the relationship between ethical leadership and project success with mediating role of employee trust and moderating role of ethical orientation. Data were collected from 100 emplo ... Read More

This study aims to examine the relationship between employee engagement, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. With the help of literature, current study developed two hyp ... Read More

he influential work of Markowitz (1952, 1959) provides foundation to modern investment philosophy. Investors can reap the potential benefit of portfolio diversification only if the involved asset clas ... Read More

This research conducted a survey to examine the impact of procedural justice on turnover intention through mediation of organizational trust. The study is based on a sample of 141 faculty members of t ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of motivation between the relationship of perceived training utility and transfer of training. Data were obtained from 215 employees working ... Read More

Safety literature is in agreement regarding the effective role safety-specific leadership plays in occupational safety but most of these studies are limited to Western/American context. The current st ... Read More


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