The focus of this research is to check the impact of leadership style on whistle blowing intention with the mediator and moderator. Using an assorted sample of 300 personnel from a variety of banks in Islamabad, the data for this field study were collected using convenient sampling technique. Ethical leadership positively influenced the process of the whistle blowing intention and provides an initiative to the employees that they can also raise their voice about any unethical conduct. Contrary to the prediction that moral attentiveness strengthens the positive role of ethical leadership verses whistle blowing relation. In addition, the cultural dimension collectivism also plays a moderating role and strengthens the relation between the moral attentiveness and whistle blowing intentions. In conclusion, this study offers significant contribution and serves to elicit comprehensive understanding of the organization to create full awareness among employees about whistle blowing intentions, providing ways by which they report the wrong doings in the organization.

Awais Tariq. (2018) Impact of Ethical Leadership on Whistle Blowing Intention Through Mediating Role of Moral Attentiveness: Moderating Role of Collectivism, Jinnah Business Review, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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