South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was set up with its utmost objective to advance the welfare of people and enhance their quality of life. The paper explores as to what measures SAARC took and the milestones passed in these two areas. SAARC paid adequate attention to foster social development through formulating programs and activities to help improve the status of generally neglected and disadvantaged strata of society. It endeavored to promote welfare of children, women, youth, poor, disabled, homeless and elderly persons, and overseas workers etc. It also formulated and adopted the SAARC Social Charter. SAARC activities covered the education, skill development, health and population issues, sports and culture. SAARC endeavored to eradicate poverty, illiteracy, malnourishment, gender discrimination and inequalities. However, most of its programs and projects remained on paper with tangible results seem less convincing

Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Naazer. (2018) Social Development in South Asian Regionalism: A Study of People Centered Activities and Programs in SAARC, Orient Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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