South China Sea, positioned between Karimata and Malacca straits to the Straits of Taiwan, has permanently remained an object of ambitions and rivalries for regional as well as extra-regional states. The politico-maritime order of the region happens to be a complicated web of external and internal dynamics. China’s maritime advancements have not just remained the source of attention for US policymakers, but have also created scepticism in the states of the region. Prospects of regional integration, enhancement of economic opportunities, and existence of abundant and often ‘untapped’ natural resources have further provided extra-regional states to influence the regional security patterns. Focusing upon the development till 2016, the paper contextualise show China and the US have been engaged in tilting the regional balance of power in their favour, resulting in a strategic competition between the great powers.

Shazia Mehboob. (2018) Sino-US Geostrategic Competition in the South China Sea: Contextualising Rivalries, Interests, and Strategies, Orient Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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