Early Childhood Education (ECE) became a hot topic in Pakistan when it was focused by the world as an important Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Until the year 2000, ECE in Pakistan was sporadic, and mainly catered by the private sector or Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Pakistan being a signatory to the Education for All (EFA) declaration, made by 189 countries of the world in Senegal in April 2000, is committed to ensure ECE by the year 2015. A national ECE curriculum was therefore formulated in the year, 2002 and revised in 2007. However, the anticipated benchmarks for the ultimate goal of 100% enrollment and Universal Primary Education (UPE) were consistently thwarted. The purpose of this research is to highlight probable causes of under achieving ECE targets, and to rethink ECE through a SWOT1 analysis. The data for research will be extracted from extensive documentation available on ECE in Pakistan.

Salma Zaidi Syed, Mehwash Asif, Amna Yousaf. (2011) Rethinking ECE in Pakistan, Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-21, Issue-2.
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