The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between Ethical Leadership and followers’ Organizational Deviance, followed by the mediating role of Psychosocial Safety climate and moderating role of Union Commitment among the young doctors in Pakistan. Data were collected from young/junior doctors (practitioners) working in public/ private hospitals in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Bahawalpur. Hierarchical Regression tests were run and the results indicated that Ethical Leadership has a significant and negative relationship with Organizational Deviance. Further, the results indicated that Union Commitment moderates the relationship between Ethical Leadership and Organizational Deviance, such that greater the commitment of the members with the union would result in weakening the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational deviance. The findings also suggest that psychosocial safety climate does not mediate between ethical leadership and organizational deviance.

Rumesa Pervez Khan. (2016) Impact of Ethical leadership on Followers’ Organizational Deviance, Mediating role of Psychosocial Safety Climate, Moderating role of Union Commitment A Study in the Context of Pakistan, Jinnah Business Review, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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