A 38-year-old male presented to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology for the evaluation of a swelling of the lower lip from 2 years. Initially it was asympto ... Read More

The orbital pathologies commonly detected during the childhood period substantially differ from the lesions that arise in adult orbit. The advance in imaging modalities including computed ... Read More

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent aswell as globally.Coronary angiography is considered thegold standard test for the diagnosis of CAD ... Read More

Background: Mortality from carbapenem-multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter infections may vary according to site of infection. The objective of this study was to compare mortality in respiratory ... Read More

Visceral Leishmaniasis (also known as Kala Azar) is a parasitic infection caused by Leishmania Donovani in the East and Leishmania Infantum in the west. It is prevalent in many countries including Ind ... Read More

A37-year-old,patientpresentedinemergencywithhistoryofnormalvaginaldeliveryfollowedbydevelopmentofabdominaldistention,vomiting,constipationforlast3days.Shewaspara4andhadnormalvaginaldeliverybytradition ... Read More

We report a case of a 38-year-oldU.A.E national who presented with malignant hypertension and features of thrombotic microangiopathy. He presented witholiguria, renal failure, thrombocytopenia ... Read More

Juvenile Angiofibroma (JNA) is a benign tumour that tends to bleed and occur in the nasopharynx with most cases occurring in pre-pubertal and adolescent males10–20 years. We present the case of a 50-y ... Read More

Genital tuberculosis mimicking carcinoma ovary is a well-known dilemma as there is no definitive serological or imaging modality for diagnosing abdominopelvic tuberculosis. A 20-years-old unm ... Read More

Strangulated hernia in quite common in surgical practice and always present with its typical symptoms. In this hardly found unique case, a 76-year’s old female with no co morbid presented ... Read More

Althoughthe second most common malignancy after urothelial carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the renal pelvis is a rare entity. It has strong association with nephrolithiasisthus emp ... Read More

Penetrating neck and chest injuries are a common form of occupational injuries. We hereby report a unique case in which a metallic rod had penetrated the left chest and neck of a plastic factory worke ... Read More

Background:Patients on immunosuppressive therapy are at a greater risk for herpes zoster reactivation and are more likely to have adverse outcomes. Propylactic antivrials and vaccinations m ... Read More

Background: The climacteric or perimenopause is the transitional phase during which reproductive function ceases. The average age of the menopause is 51.4 years with aduration of two years. ... Read More

Background: Medical profession works within thin lines of professionalism and trust. Faith of the patients often breached but less reported among the Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). In Pakis ... Read More

Background:Bleeding from anus is usually referred as rectal bleeding but actually rectal bleeding is defined as bleeding from lower colon or rectum, which means bleedingfrom a place distal to ligament ... Read More

Background: Due to precarious blood supply, skin coverage for defects of leg, heel, dorsum of foot and the ankle has been a complicated task for plastic surgeons & orthopaedic surgeons. The pr ... Read More

Background:Finger printing is an absolute method of identification. Recovery of finger prints from a crime scene is an important method of Forensic identification. Human finger ... Read More

Background:Septic shock is defined as sepsis with circulatory, cellular and metabolic abnormalities which are associated with greater mortality more than 40%. The objective of this study was to identi ... Read More

Background: Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT)s has become a major part in evaluation of hepatic and renal tumours. With improvements in MDCT, CT angiography has also improved and norma ... Read More

Background:Root canal re-treatment is the procedure of choice when the primary root treatment fails but patient is inclined toward salvage of the tooth. The re-treatment is often a challengi ... Read More

Background:Educational environment not only has an impact on the students during the academic years but has its reflections throughout their medical career. TheDundeeReadyEducationa ... Read More

Background:Hypercalcemia is a common clinical problem; primary hyperparathyroidismand malignancy is commonest causes of hypercalcemia. Aetiology of hypercalcemia arechanging,causes that were diseas ... Read More

Background: Dengue is a mosquito born viral infection that has rapidly spread in the world particularly in Southeast Asia. The aim of this hospital based study was to see the demographic, ... Read More

Background:Adrenal insufficiency (AI) is the most common endocrine complication among patients with AIDS/HIV infection and there are number of causes of AI in HIV patients. Human immunod ... Read More

Background:Pursuing higher education is not an easy task as it requires hard work, dedication, and motivation. Although there are many rewards involved in growing up academically, neve ... Read More

Background:Carcinoma breast is most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer related deaths in women, with a multifactorial aetiology. This case control study was aimed at studying the possible l ... Read More

Background: Serum ferritin is marker for hepatic neco-inflammation and known 1 year mortality predictor in post-transplant patients. However, data on utility as early mortality predictor in patient of ... Read More

Background:Pigment Dispersion Syndrome (PDS) is an autosomal dominant disorder of white males between 20 to 40 years of age characterized by deposition of pigment on the lens, zonules of lens, ... Read More

Background:Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) is still the most common presentation to our electrophysiology laboratory for ablation. The aim of this study is to document the ... Read More

Background:Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver disease (NAFLD)is the most common cause of progressive liver disorders worldwide. Drug options are limited with varying results. Nigella sativain ... Read More

Background: Diabetes is undoubtedly one of the most challenging health problems of the 21st century. It is well known that diabetes once develop can lead to several complications. Diabetic ketoacidosi ... Read More

Background:Dexamethasone is widely used for prevention of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS), necrotisingenterocolitis (NEC) and intra-ventricular haemorrhage (IVH) in preterm babies; ... Read More

Background:In recent past, a huge number of in vitro electrophysiological techniques have been developed to explore underlying mechanisms of most complicated functions of brain. Neurophysiologis ... Read More

Background:Diabetes Mellitus is a pandemic of the modern era owing to our rapidly deteriorating lifestyle.Painful diabetic neuropathy is one of the costliest and disabling complic ... Read More

ackground: The objective behind this study was to determine that Assessment for Re-treatment with Transarterial chemoembolization (ART) score is really applicable in patients with ... Read More

Background: Although the practice of preoperative testing of ABO group and Rh (D) type for elective cholecystectomy has deep historical roots, it is not evidence-based. We aimed to assess thepreoperat ... Read More

A 57-year-old female presented to the emergency department with a two-day history of left lower quadrant abdominal pain. Vital signs and results of a complete blood count and basic meta ... Read More

Haemangioma is one of the commonest benign vascular tumours affecting 10–12% of infancy. Approximately 50% of haemangiomas resolve by the age of 5 years and 90% resolve by 9 years of age. Rarely haema ... Read More

Background: Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) is a major cause of transfusion-related morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit setting. There is a paucity of such datafrom Pakist ... Read More

Neck of femur fractures are the most prevalent type of injury in elderly trauma patients. Both intra and extra capsular type of fractures are equally distributed in the given population. Traditionally ... Read More

This is a case regarding a 35-year-old gentleman who presented to the Accident and Emergency department at Walsall Manor Hospital. He had mistakenly placed cyanoacrylate (‘superglue’) into ... Read More

Acute febrile illness is a common entity in tropics and often is challenging due a host of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. Extensive work up is required for better ... Read More

Nesidioblastosis is the most common cause of non-transient, recurrent and persistent hypoglycaemia in neonates and infants. It is a disorder of diffuse proliferation of beta cells of the panc ... Read More

tenotrophomonas maltophiliais an emerging cause of nosocomial infections. We report an outbreak of XDR-Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection from burn unit of a tertiary care hos ... Read More

Cholestatic jaundice as a paraneoplastic feature of secondary sclerosing cholangitis is rare in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. A 25 years old lady, 34 weeks primigravida was referred from ... Read More

holelithiasis is a major cause of morbidity worldwide. The incidence of gall stone in children in Pakistan has not been sufficiently studied and is increasingly being detected: the reason ... Read More

Background: The prevalence of PPHN has been estimated at 1.9 per 1000 live births.After the discovery of iNO’s,its efficacy and benefit in PPHNis well established. Even in the best of cen ... Read More

Hereditary hearing impairment is heterogeneous type of disorder which can be caused due to environmental as well as genetical factors. Two distinct types of hereditary hearing ... Read More

Background: Mental health disorders are becoming an increasingly common occurrence worldwide and present a major public health concern. Depression has been recognized as a major contributor in m ... Read More

Background:Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) is a well-established approach in learning and is increasingly being utilized in the medical education system. It is a process where active ... Read More

Background: Patients who leave against medical advice (LAMA) from a health facility is a recognized problem. In neonatology practice this issue is particularly sensitive as repercussions can be severe ... Read More

Background: Incidence of stress is on the rise in our daily life involving various neurobiological, endocrinological and behavioral changes. Hunger stress has a potent influence on mental,ph ... Read More

Background:Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD) is responsible for a wide spectrum of clinical diseases and vitamin D deficiency prevalence is frightening in most parts of the world including Pakistan. Therefor ... Read More

Background: Immunization is the safest and effective measure for preventing and eradicating various communicable diseases. A glaring immunization gap exists between developing and industriali ... Read More

Background:Catheter related blood stream infections (CRBSI) are the leading cause of morbidity in HD patients. The majority of these infections relate to haemodialysis catheters. There is a paucity of ... Read More

Background: Chemical composition of stones is one of the important diagnostic criteria for aetiology of stone formation and treatment to prevent recurrence. This paper reports composition o ... Read More

Background: Family Planning is the basic right of the human being. It involves decision regarding the number of children and desired space between children by the couple themselves. Quality services i ... Read More

Background:osteogenesis needs circulation of blood in the bones. Bone growth, repair of fracture, maintenance of bone vitality and other injures also need blood circulation in proper way. Blood is all ... Read More

Background:This study was conducted to determine the association between the subjective quality of sleepand cognitive decline among the patients of chronic kidney disease (CKD) underg ... Read More

Background: Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are amongst the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in pregnant women throughout the globe. This study is aimed at determining t ... Read More

Background: Chronic otitis media is described as a tympanic membrane perforation and ear discharge for more than six weeks duration.Ascending infection from the nasopharynx into ... Read More

Background:Macrovascular atherosclerosis is an important long-term complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Concurrent dyslipidaemia acts as an additional risk factor for these complications ... Read More

Background: Psychoactive substance abuse is prevalent among medical undergraduates of Pakistan, India & Western countries which can adversely affect the physical &psychological gro ... Read More

Background: The present study was designed to assess medical students’ perceptions of their learning environment at Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore.Methods:It was a cross-sectional descript ... Read More

Background: The present study was designed to assess medical students’ perceptions of their learning environment at Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore.Methods:It was a cross-sectional descript ... Read More

Background: Midline laparotomy is the most common technique of abdominal incisions because it is simple, provides adequate exposure to all four quadrants, and is rapid to open. A major ... Read More

Background:Portable bed side ultrasound and supine chest radiograph of 80 traumaticpatients excluding very clinically unstable patients who subsequently underwent CTscan chest was d ... Read More

Background: The objectives of this study are to determine the knowledge and attitude towards surgical safety among the health care professionals including surgeons, anaesthetist, ... Read More

Background:Microscopy is the most widely used tool for Tuberculosis screening. Conventionally, Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining has been the widely used for staining Acid-FastBacilli (AF ... Read More

Background: Fever is the main complaint in patients reporting to our hospital and the most common cause of fever in our set up is malaria. The aim of this study was to know about the clini ... Read More

ackground: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the gold standard for the management of acute cholecystitis but controversy surrounds the timings of the surgery. Studies are available favouring ... Read More

ackground: Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) technique for getting prostatic tissue for histopathology is now the standard procedure for malignant lesions of the prostate and imperative diagnostic investi ... Read More

Background: All students cannot be individually trained in physical examination skills due to faculty and time limitations. Peer-assisted learning (PAL) can solve this dilemma if it is used ... Read More

Background: Gastroparesis and GERD occur concomitantly in 40 percent of the cases. Prokinetic drugs and acid blockers are employed as the main treatment modality. Ranitidine is an acid bl ... Read More

Background: The study was planned to determine the presence of West Nile Virus (WNV) infection in Pakistani blood donors, using Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT).Methods: The blood do ... Read More

Background:Currently, the problem of sexual risk behaviour of adolescents has increasedworldwide, including Thailand.This study compared the effectiveness of promoting life skills to prevent ... Read More

Background:Oestrogenhas a physiological rolethroughoutthebodyincludingoralcavity. The effects aremediated bybindingtotwo receptorsinnucleus alpha andbeta,which are ligand-activatedtranscriptionfa ... Read More

Millions across the globe lack access to needed health services, amidst poverty. In countries with higher out of pocket (OOP) expenditure on health, medical bills impoverish masses. ... Read More

A 51-year-old male presented to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, NIMS Dental College Jaipur (India) with a painless pigmented patch extending from left side of the palate to the gin ... Read More

Positron emission tomography (PET) with integrated computed tomography (CT) is a unique modality to noninvasively scan the whole body for diagnosing, staging and assessing response to therap ... Read More

Colorectal cancer (CRC), is the third most common cancer affecting close to 10,00,000 people worldwidecausingsecond most cancer-related deathswith6,55,000 death toll per year.1Recommended by The U.S ... Read More

Background:Middle East Respiratory-Corona virus (MERS-CoV), SARS like virus, identified in September 2012 in Middle-East. February 2013, an elderly man, who visited Pakistan and K ... Read More

Pakistan is a developing country and most of its population is based in rural areas. Over the last two decades’ significant changes have occurred in the health system in an attempt to improve the heal ... Read More

Pakistan has been ranked highest and appears worst in stillbirths’ rate according to the recent global estimates. Reasons could be manifold; socio-cultural,health systemrelated country sp ... Read More

Xanthogranulomatous inflammation is characterized by destruction of the tissues of the organ involved and replacement by chronic inflammatory cells such as lymphocytes, plasma cell ... Read More

Metastatic ovarian tumours are extremely rare. The commonest primary site is usually stomach and the metastasis from this site is termed as krukenberg tumour. It accounts for 1–2% of malignant ovarian ... Read More

Boerhaave’s syndrome is a spontaneous transmural rupture or perforation of the oesophagus or post-emesis oesophageal rupture. Boerhaave’s syndrome has a high risk of morbidity and mortality, ... Read More

Stones of pancreatic ductal origin are often linked to chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis appears to exist in the presence of such calculi upon radiology. Having said t ... Read More

We reporting unilateral renal agenesis with ipsilateral ureterocoele, mega ureter and blind end proximal ureter in same patient first time as case report and has not been so far reported in ... Read More

Small gut volvulus with multiple Jejuno-ileal diverticulosis is an unusual pathology of the small intestine with a scarce number of cases reported so far. It usually goes unnoticed because it is often ... Read More

Cementoblastoma is a relativelyrare benign tumour. The clinicopathologic features, radiological findings, treatment and prognosis are reported here in a 10-year-old girl who present ... Read More

Myocardial infarction (MI) is an extremely common cause of chest pain.MI can be acute with ST elevation (STEMI) or non-STEMI (NSTEMI). Coronary artery spasm can be severe eno ... Read More

Mesenteric vasculitis and resultant bowel ischemia is rare but serious complication of autoimmune disorders. Early detection and treatment is the key to avoid potentially fatal outcomes of ... Read More

Smile is an expression of happiness, self-confidence, kindness and beauty. Along with teeth and lips, gingiva is also a vital component of smile. Melanin induced gingival hyper pigmentation ... Read More

Background:Propofol is a widely-accepted medication for the successful insertion of laryngeal mask airway (LMA). When propofol is used alone, larger doses are required which can lead to car ... Read More

Background: Quality of any service is the most important aspect for the manufacturer as well as the consumer. The primary objective of any nation’s health system is to provide supreme quality health c ... Read More

Background:Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to find out the frequency of Hepatitis B Hepatitis C, Syphilis, HIV and malaria in apparently healthy blood donors and to find out any association ... Read More

Background: Common cold and flu are mostly of viral pathogenesis with symptoms in upper respiratory tract. It is highly contagious and close inter-individual contact in winter ... Read More

Background:Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is fruit oil with rich source of monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants. It acts as hypolipidemic agent and significant decrease of plasma lipids level ... Read More

Background:Non-infectious causes of chronic diarrhoea are important and easily missed.The study was done with the objectives to identify different causes of chronic non-infectious diarrhoeain infantsl ... Read More

Background: Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is a benign and chronic disorder well known in young adults and less common in children. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency a ... Read More

Background: Effective interventions are available to reduce cognitive deficit currently estimated to affect more than 200 million children under 5 years of age in developing countries. However, deve ... Read More

Background: Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of pregnancy related deaths in the first trimester. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of risk factors, clinical presentation, diagn ... Read More

Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Electrocardiographic (ECG) abnormalities are common in CKD patients. However, there is variation i ... Read More

Background: Vernal kerato-conjunctivitis (VKC) is an infrequent but serious form of allergic conjunctivitis common in warm and humid areas where air is rich in allergens. It affects both eyes asymmetr ... Read More

Background: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction is painful condition of facial musculoskeletal system. Arthrocentesis is less invasive treatment of TMJ dysfunctions. It has been used to ... Read More

Background:Surgical site infection in orthopaedic implants is a major problem, causing long hospital stay, cost to the patient and is a burden on health care facilities. It increases rate of ... Read More

Background: Morbid obesity has become a surgically treatable problem. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is becoming a popular choice both for surgeons and patients due to effectiveness and low ... Read More

Background: Little is known about neonatal pain in Pakistan. So, to know about neonatal pain, its scoring and the effectiveness of oral dextrose in neonatal pain management we carried this study in n ... Read More

Background: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is the second most common T cell lymphoma and 2% of all non-hodgkinlymphoma (NHL). It is an aggressive lymphoma with threesubtypes, prima ... Read More

Background:Malaria is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in our part of the world. Artemether-Lumefantrine (AL) Combination therapy is widely used for the treatment of malaria b ... Read More

Background: Posterior urethral valve (PUV) is life-threatening congenital anomaly of the urinary tract that results in vesicoureteric reflux, recurrent UTI, voiding dysfunction and renal insufficiency ... Read More

Background:Routine exploration of contralateral side in cases of unilateral inguinal hernia or hydrocele is a highly debatable topic because of various reasons. The purpose of this study was to analys ... Read More

Background: Aging is one of the biggest problems in Southeast Asia due to their rapidly growing population of the older person. Old aging population is usually confined to their homes resulting in poo ... Read More

Background: Childhood obesity has become a major public health issue today. The prevalence of obesity and overweight is increasing in both adults and children. Childhood obesity ... Read More

Background: The management of Oesophageal and Gastroesophageal junction cancers is challenging. Multimodality therapy with carboplatin/paclitaxel based chemoradiation (CRT) and surgery shows i ... Read More

Background: Tobacco Smoking, most commonly,can cause the diseases affecting thelungs and heart. Human gut microbiota plays a key role to decide the health status of the host. Current studyaimed to cha ... Read More

Pakistan is a third world country with very small health budget and a diabetes prevalence of about 6.9% among adults, accounting for over 86,000 deaths. If phase 2 trials t ... Read More

Background: Awareness and knowledge of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV vaccine among women are not satisfactory in developing countries.The aim of this study was to assess the role of ed ... Read More

Background:Depression and anxiety are the common mental disorders with a prevalence of 10–44% in developing countries and is the fourth leading cause of morbidity. Undergraduate medical studies are ge ... Read More

Background:Early detection of cardiac events allow better and cost-effective triage andwell-timed management of these patients.Study was conducted to evaluate the prognostic significanceof plasma adi ... Read More

Background: Acute coronary syndrome remains a dominant cause of high morbidity and mortality despite advancements in treatment This study was conducted to examine the utility of point-of-care test of ... Read More

Background: Among five main pillars of Islam Fasting is one of the key elements, all healthy adult Muslims have to observe fast from dawn till dusk during the holy month of ... Read More

1 J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2017;29(2)http://www.jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk368PICTORIAL360 DEGREE DEEP CORNEAL VASCULARIZATION IN A CASE OF ENDOPHTHALMITIS WITH CORNEAL ABSCESSAnmol Ulhas Naik, Shveta Bh ... Read More

A 15-year-old boy presented with 18 months’ history of dull,diffuse and intermittent headache. It was not specifically associated with nausea, vomiting, phonophobia and photophobia. He also complained ... Read More

his descriptiveobservational study was conducted at Pathology lab Jinnah hospital, Lahore, January 2013 to October 2015. We include all the food workers in different restaurants, slaughters, ... Read More

Moyamoya disease is an idiopathic progressive vasculopathy of distal internal carotid artery and circle of Willis which leads to the development of characteristic smoky appearance of the v ... Read More

Background:AtypicalHaemolyticUremicSyndrome(aHUS)isararelifethreateningentitycharacterizedbythrombocytopenia,haemolyticanaemiaandrenaldysfunction.Itisathromboticmicroangiopathyrelatedtogeneticmutation ... Read More

A 60-year-old female presented to us with a 5-year history of progressive right sided nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxis. On examination lesion was seen in the right nostril which w ... Read More

Prolidase deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent and non-healing skin ulcers along with facial dysmorphism and mental retardation. We report a 13-year-old girl w ... Read More

Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria is a non-malignant stem cell disorder due to acquired somatic mutations in cell surface anchored proteins CD55 and CD59. Both have a complime ... Read More

Two main forms of osteopetrosis are recognized, a severe autosomal recessive form (MIM 259700) with an incidence of approximately 1 in 250,000 births and a mild autosomal dominant form ( ... Read More

Among the complications of an open appendectomy is the presentation of an incisional hernia. An interstitial or interparietal hernia is the one in which the hernia sac is present between the muscle la ... Read More

Duodenal variceal bleeding is an uncommon cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. Treatment strategies are reliant on case reports and case series with new developments in interventional treatment modalit ... Read More

Background: Studies have shown maintaining good cerebral perfusion during Cardiac Surgeries is very important in terms of patient outcomes and reducing the hospital stay, which may have its finan ... Read More

Background:Lateral Epicondylitis (LE), is a condition characterized by the pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. LE is commonly seen among people who are involved in sports ... Read More

Background:Humanskeletondevelopsfromseparateossificationcentreswhichcontinuetoossifytilltheboneiscompletelyformed.Radiologicaltechniquesareveryreliableandusefulmethodforestimatingtheageofindividualfor ... Read More

Background: Febrile fits is common problem in children. Among other risk factors, iron deficiency anaemia is considered as aggravating factor for febrile fits. Iron deficiency ana ... Read More

Background: The presence of skull fracture in patients sustaining traumatic brain injury is an important risk factor for intracranial lesions.Assessment of integrity of dura in ... Read More

Background: Anal fissure is a linear tear in the distal anal canal resulting from persistent hypertonia and spasm of the internal sphincter which results in mucosal ischemia. W ... Read More

Background: Acute coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the main causes of death in today’s world. Myocardial infarction (MI)tends to be more common among diabetic patients. One of the most effecti ... Read More

Background:Amputation is the removal of a limb or part of a limb by a surgical procedure in order to save the life of a person. The underlying reasons behind the occurrence of this tragic incidence ma ... Read More

Background: The prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use in some developed countries is on the rise as surveys conducted on large scale vouch for. This study was conducted with t ... Read More

Background: Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered as a major determinant of health. The objective of study was to find out differences between dietary practices, as well as BMI ... Read More

Background: Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered as a major determinant of health. The objective of study was to find out differences between dietary practices, as well as BMI ... Read More

Background:The three-wheeler Qing-qi and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) auto-rickshaws wereintroduced in Karachi to meet the transportationdemand of thegrowing population.These vehicles have directly ... Read More

Background:Chronic obstructive airway disease (COPD) is considered as risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD) along with other risk factors. This study was conducted to de ... Read More

Background:Public Private Partnershiphas been experimented as an approach in Pakistan in 2005 and in eighteen districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa including Abbottabad in 2011, to improve delivery ... Read More

Background:Re-use of dental casting alloy is a routine practice, which is carried out with the motive to conserve resources. There have been studies on the re-use of alloys ... Read More

Background: Diabetes affects almost every system including mental health. When depression and diabetes coexist, the outcome is even worse. This study was conducted to find the prevalence of comorbid d ... Read More

Background:Type-I Tympanoplasty is an operation which is widely done to close a persistenttympanic membrane perforation after clearing the disease from the middle ear. It is very safe and effective pr ... Read More

ackground:Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is a major problem in obstetrics as there is evidence of increasing incidence throughout the world.It is an important cause of maternal morbidity an ... Read More

Background: Delayed or wrong diagnosis of acute appendicitis in patients results in complications like perforation, gangrene, etc. which carries a significant amount of morbidity and mortal ... Read More

Background: Clubfoot or congenital talipes equinovarus, is a congenital deformity of the foot. It consists of cavus, adduction, varus and equinus. This is due to medial displacement of navicular and c ... Read More

Background: Device implantation is an integral part of interventional cardiology particularly electrophysiology. In this study, we are going to shear our experience of device impl ... Read More

Background: Diabetic foot being one of the frequent and disabling complications of diabetes.In view of widespread regional variation in causative organisms and antimicrobial susceptibility,the current ... Read More

Background:Accidental intra-arterial drug injections usually occur as an iatrogenic complication but it is also found in drug abusers as a result of attempted intravenous (IV)injections. ... Read More

Background:Diabetes Mellitus type2 is very common worldwide, with majority of cases in Asia Pacific region. Metformin is the first line therapy, along with lifestyle modification for all type 2 diabet ... Read More

Background:Epilepsy, a common neurological disorder can present at any age and has a number of aetiologies with underlying brain disease being the most common aetiology. Brain imaging becomes importan ... Read More

Background:Spinal anaesthesia is technique of choice for caesarean sections and hyperbaric bupivacaine is a recommended drug for this popular block. Although safe but few complications are haemodynam ... Read More

Background: With the steep increase in breast cancer incidence globally and regionally, there has been a trend toward reducing patient morbidity by meticulous surgical techniques to obviat ... Read More

Background: Angiogenesis is involved in many cardiovascular and cancerous diseases, including atherosclerosis and is controlled by a fine balance between angiogenic and angiostatic mediators. Endostat ... Read More

Background: Poverty is an extreme consequence of out of pocket payments in countries with health systems that do not provide financial risk protection through mandatory health ... Read More

Background:With root canal treatment,the organic debris and micro-organisms from pulp space is removed and an ideal canal preparation is achieved that is conducive of hermetic obturation. The ... Read More

Background: Beta-blockers provide secondary prophylaxis following endoscopic therapy for variceal bleeding. Guidelines recommend starting beta-blockers 6 days after endoscopy to prevent maskin ... Read More

Anti-microbial or antibiotic resistance is a global public health problem, more dominant in the developing countries. Illiteracy and lack of awareness among the general population is a leading cause ... Read More